17 February 2010

Fasnet 2010

Sorry for not posting the last two days. I was busy and yesterday, I was at an event. A Fasnet event.
It was hosted by my parents and some members of my brother's Fasnet club came over, wearing their Häs (kind of costume), to celebrate the end of the Fasnet. On their last day, they are wandering around the city and visiting all those kiddy carnival events. As said, they started at my parent's with some sausages and bread, beer, whisky cola and sparkling wine. I'm really not one of those carnival type of girl but as I know nearly all of this club I decided to come over with D. So we headed there and about 11:30 am the first bunch showed up.
They put up some party music and then we hang around, eating and drinking and talking. It was so much fun. Even D had fun. The club's costume is a wolf and he likes their masks and always did those "wau wau" (his word for dog) sounds, he danced coz he loves music and it was so nice seeing him that happy. Even the sun was shining, no snowing that day :-)
At about 2:30 pm they left for their tour de city.

We enjoyed the time very much and will be there next year again. And next year, D is old enough to join in those kiddy carnival events, too. I'm really looking forward and stay excited what kind of costume he'll choose then...

Have a happy day!

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