11 August 2010

I've Been Awarded

*sniff* I want to thank my parents and my producer *sniff* and thanks to my fans *sniff* for follow me and many thanks to "The Simple Life" *sniff* that awarded me! *sniff* I am soooo honored! *sniff* *sniff*

7 Random Facts:
a) I guess I'm addicted to the internet. It was being like detox when my modem broke down and I needed to wait 2 weeks until the new one arrived.

b) I do not like tea. Drinking tea to me means being sick so I avoid drinking tea.

c) I am lactose intolerant - and apart from Starbucks there you do not get any lactose-free coffees/cappucchinos around here.

d) I am missing my girl's nights out at discos and bars and wish myself back to my single life.

e) I love Fußball/soccer/football - whatever you call it. And I own a season ticket for the regional Fußball/soccer/football club :-)

f) Gift certificates (e.g. for massages or brunch) are always expiring.

g) I do not know 15 new blogs but I want to award some of my favorite blogs instead.

And now, the Award goes to:
Mama M.
Josiah's Mommy
Jessica K.

But I do follow so much more and love to read them :-)

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